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WINNER / OSW Kitbash of the Month March 2013, USA
The World After World War III series
Flying Mickey
1/6th scale custom figure
Created by Zuno
The World After World War III series
Flying Mickey
1/6th scale custom figure
Created by Zuno
The Third World War destroyed all the nuclear power plants, and the Earth is polluted with nuclear radiation.
The government took over the only place untouched by this monstrosity, completely free of all nuclear activity, called it District H.o.P.E. (Heart of Peaceful Earth), and abandoned all connections to the barren, desolate world out side of it.
With no rules and no one to enforce any, the outside world became an increasingly dangerous place, with crime, outlaws, and gangs.
The wealthy families that weren’t granted access to District H.o.P.E. gave out their wealth in search for complete protection, and those left with nothing became bounty hunters who relied solely on themselves for survival.
Flying Mickey...
Although every thing known to man was destroyed and the air polluted due to nuclear activity, this boy reminisces about the beautiful past and wears a Mickey Mouse hat.
His robotic arm may affirm his place in this desolate future, but his search to utopia begins with his very own Flying Machine.
To be continued...
제3차세계대전으로 원자력발전소는 모두 파괴되었고, 세계는 방사능으로 오염되었다.
다국적 연방정부는 지구에서 오염되지않은 유일한 곳, 희.망.지구: District H.o.P.E. (Heart of Peaceful Earth)에 자리를 잡고 외부와 단절하였다.
자연히 외부세계에서는 범죄가 극에 달했고 치안은 무방비상태였다.
District H.o.P.E.에 들어가지 못한 부자들은 자신들의 전재산을 걸고 보호받기를 원했고, 없는자들은 현상금 사냥꾼이 되어 스스로 보호하며 살아나갔다.
플라잉 미키(날으는 미키마우스)...
모든 문명이 '0'상태로 회귀되고, 공기는 '핵'으로 오염되어 가스마스크를 착용할수밖에 없지만, 과거의 아름다웠던 추억을 그리며 미키마우스 모자를 쓴 소년.
한쪽팔은 이미 로봇팔이 대신하는 미래의 몸이지만, 자신이 나무로 제작한 'Flying Machine'으로 새로운 '유토피아'를 찾아 떠나는데...
... 계속
Created by Zuno
Copyright 2013 © Zuno Kim. All rights reserved.
Hi all,
This is my new customized figure "Flying Mickey" in my new series "The World After World War 3"
Hope you enjoy my work.
Zuno... ^L^
WINNER / OSW Kitbash of the Month March 2013, USA
Reviews: (SideShow Freaks: US) (BBICN: China)
Other characters in The World after World War 3 series:
Full Shots:
How to:
The 1st CCAKAA Exhibition in Seoul, South Korea
Scale: 1/6
March 30, 2013
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