The Nomination / OSW Kitbash of the Month February 2008
The Last Pianist...
The Last Pianist
WWII German Wehrmacht Hauptmann Wilm Hosenfeld...
Customized by Zuno
Head: DML/Repainted
Body: DML/Repainted
Cap: DML/Weathered
Tunic: DID/Customized
Coat: DID/Weathered
Loose: DML,ToysCity/Customized
Pants: DML/Weathered
Boots: NL/Weathered
Piano: Gloria/Customized
Chair: Unknown/Weathered
Can: Zuno/Self-Built
Vignette Base: Zuno/Self-Built
A vignette for WWII German Wehrmacht Hauptmann Wilm Hosenfeld in THE PIANIST (2002).
You can also see my building process of the Vignette Base, piano and head at the how to section.
Scale: 1/6
January 18, 2008
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